Mason, Potter and Mud Dauber Wasps

Vespidae; Sphecidae

Wasps Fact Sheet: English, Spanish.

Yellow and black mud dauber

Yellow and black mud dauber (Johnny N. Dell,

Blue mud wasp (Bruce Marlin, Wikimedia Commons)

Blue mud wasp (Show Ryu, Wikimedia Commons)

Potter wasp

Potter wasp (Bruce Marlin, Wikimedia Commons)


  • 3/8 - 1+ inches long
  • various colorations: black and yellow; black; black with a bluish tinge
  • often have an elongated segment between the middle and rear

Nesting Habits

  • mud nests on sides of structures or under window sills, eaves, etc.
  • nests can appear as clay pots, mud patches or mud tubes or pipes


  • insects, spiders
  • nectar


  • nests pose a slight health risk to humans
  • not aggressive
  • may be considered beneficial since they prey on many species of spiders

IPM Recommendations

  • Monitor for nests from early summer - fall.
  • Purchase and use a bee veil, suit and gloves.
  • Mimimize nesting habitat around property.
  • Install tight-fitting screens in windows.
  • Nest removal: wear protective bee veil, suit and gloves; early in the morning, remove nest in a garbage bag or scrape from side of building or structure, then clean nest area with soap and water.

Additional Resources

IPM for Stinging Bees and Wasps: Integrated Pest Management in Sensitive Environments (University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension)