Integrated Pest Management


Taraxacum officinale


Dandelion growth habit (Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University,


Dandelion leaves (Lynn Sosnoskie, University of Georgia,


Dandelion seeds (Chris Evans, University of Illinois,



  • low-growing plant with deep taproot
  • leaves are long (2 – 12 inches) and a quarter as wide and radiate away from a central point; leaf margins are lobed and wavy
  • flower stalks are hollow and bear a flower head with yellow petals; flowers mature to produce a delicate, globe-shaped seed head comprised of many seeds
  • each brown, oblong seed is attached to a tuft of white fluff


  • commonly grows in lawn areas and planting beds

Life Cycle

  • perennial with seedling germination throughout growing season
  • flower production begins in mid-spring and continues throughout the growing season, although peak flowering occurs at temperatures between 60-70°F
  • seed heads develop within 2 weeks of flowering and seeds are immediately viable
  • new plants grow from taproot sections as short as 1 inch

IPM Recommendations

  • Effective control must target both aboveground and underground plant structures.
  • Hand-pull plants in planting beds prior to seed maturation and manually remove underground structures to prevent re-sprouting.
  • Apply a mulch layer 3 inches deep on planting beds to reduce seed germination.
  • Apply an appropriate post-emergent herbicide directly to target weeds.